When selecting the telecommunications tower that is best for your project, it is important to first consider many factors including design, tower height, location (ambient conditions), and weight. Determining the most efficient telecommunications tower design can be a challenge, but Albul Engineering is committed to helping you.
Transmission towers support the high-voltage conductors of overhead transmission lines, from the switchgear of generating stations to source substations and satellite substations near populated areas. In addition, all towers must withstand all kinds of natural disasters. Thus, the design of transmission line towers is an important engineering task in which the concepts of civil, mechanical, and electrical engineering design are equally applicable.
Their shape, height, and strength (mechanical strength) depend on the loads to which they are subjected. Towers themselves do not transmit electricity unless lightning strikes a grounding wire strung along the top of the structure. This cable is designed to protect the conductors, allowing lightning discharges to reach the ground through the support.
Albul Engineering provides structural modification and reinforcement services designed to restore or reinforce damaged or weatherized areas of the tower. We also evaluate the condition of the entire elevator before developing or recommending any modifications or improvements. This level of due diligence ensures proper design and implementation.
The effects of proposed modifications can be determined by analysis. In some cases, modifications result in forces that exceed the capabilities of the structural elements, voids, or foundations. Modifications can also adversely affect performance by increasing wind-induced torsion or sway at critical locations of microwave antennas.
Our company can provide efficient and economical design modifications that will reduce the deflection and load-to-load ratio of the structural elements to an acceptable level.